We also found out on Friday that we qualified for a home loan so now on top of everything else we are looking at houses. LOL. I am such a busy bee! *dies*
1. Clean out master bedroom closet.
2. Stain and fix up M.Bedroom dresser
3. Organise the office.
4. Pinic table; build and paint.
5. Sew the mini's floor cushions.
6. Paint the folding chairs.
7. Organise the mini's closet.
8. Finish our bathroom (aka hang artwork and find holders for my makeup).
9. Figure out what to do about my entryway shoe problem.
10. Get photos printed out.
Wish me luck!
(I also need to figure out how to not have the date on the bottom of my pics, I am too lazy to put the date in each time)
Here she is all done up!
And my latest project; the dishtab tin! You know those Electrosol Dish tabs? I got some awhile back in a nifty (kinda ugly) metal tin that had the jetsons on it. Not very me. So I spraypainted.
and then used my stencil and more silver paint... (this was the project that killed my stencil :( )
(I'll take a better pic later but I cleaned up the running bits coz I'm a perfectionist like that)
And I am linking to my VERY FIRST PARTY!!!
Till next post!
Robin ♥
Yeah. It's mine now. And I am linking to Southern Hospitality's Thrifty finds party!
And I missed posting to this party last week but I'm joining up this week!