Sunday, June 27, 2010

Half way point!

So today is the halfway point and what have I gotten done? The office is clean and organised, the mini's floor poufs are done (will do pictures later) the mini's closet is organised, half the picnic table is done, and one folding chair is painted while the other is half painted.

We also found out on Friday that we qualified for a home loan so now on top of everything else we are looking at houses. LOL. I am such a busy bee! *dies*


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My 10 projects in 10 days list!

The Shabby Chic Cottage issued a challenge and I need to get some things done around here so I figured why the heck not?!

Here's my....

1. Clean out master bedroom closet.

2. Stain and fix up M.Bedroom dresser

3. Organise the office.

4. Pinic table; build and paint.

5. Sew the mini's floor cushions.

6. Paint the folding chairs.

7. Organise the mini's closet.

8. Finish our bathroom (aka hang artwork and find holders for my makeup).

9. Figure out what to do about my entryway shoe problem.

10. Get photos printed out.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reuse old plates

I bought some new plates and decided to reuse the old ones in a decorative manner. (upcycling is fun and good for the enviroment :D )

I should've taken a picture to start off with but it was a blue rimmed plate... I just used a bit of white craft paint to prime it.

Yes, just craft paint, I usually get it on sale 2 for a Dollar over at Michaels, I love that store. Anyway I painted the whole paint blue, doing a couple of coats on each plate.

Then I printed out some pictures, I love The Graphics Fairy for this. :)

Mod Podge it on, use a few coats. (I think I needed four.)


These I made using the free stencil from <--- Clickie it if you wanna see!!
I am super proud of myself.... now I need to hang them or something LOL!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finished the jewelery holder plus one :)

Remember my first post and the jewelery holder?

I finally finished her, using my fab little printed out stencil (it's dead now I need to make a new one :( ) and some silver paint (that doesn't photograph well) I made her pretty!

(I also need to figure out how to not have the date on the bottom of my pics, I am too lazy to put the date in each time)

Here she is all done up!

And my latest project; the dishtab tin! You know those Electrosol Dish tabs? I got some awhile back in a nifty (kinda ugly) metal tin that had the jetsons on it. Not very me. So I spraypainted.

and then used my stencil and more silver paint... (this was the project that killed my stencil :( )

(I'll take a better pic later but I cleaned up the running bits coz I'm a perfectionist like that)

And I am linking to my VERY FIRST PARTY!!!

and it's

Till next post!

Robin ♥

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I ♥ Goodwill

Sometimes patience is a really good thing, I saw this gorgeous white candle holder with little crystals hanging from it a few years ago at Target, (maybe last year, I am really bad with stuff like that.) But I loved it, NGL I coveted it, it was beautiful and my style.

But it was a lot of money for a candle holder in my opinion. So I didn't get it.

Fast forward to today, I went to Goodwill, with the hopes of finding some baskets for under my coffee table. I actually found some, too bad this grumpy older man went all snarling caveman on me and said that he was "looking" at them *insert eyeroll* so I walked away, next aisle I see some stuff on the bottom shelf, I stoop down and there it was.

My candle holder.


All the crystals still attached, looks brand new.

Yeah. It's mine now. And I am linking to Southern Hospitality's Thrifty finds party!

And I missed posting to this party last week but I'm joining up this week!