Sunday, June 27, 2010

Half way point!

So today is the halfway point and what have I gotten done? The office is clean and organised, the mini's floor poufs are done (will do pictures later) the mini's closet is organised, half the picnic table is done, and one folding chair is painted while the other is half painted.

We also found out on Friday that we qualified for a home loan so now on top of everything else we are looking at houses. LOL. I am such a busy bee! *dies*



  1. Busy girl! Good luck on the house hunting. How exciting :0)

  2. You have been busy! It's so exciting to look for a new house, good luck on finding the perfect place!

  3. That's a lot of organizing! Good luck finding a house!

  4. Congrat's .... Picking out a new home sounds so exciting !! Great job tackling THE TASKS
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  5. Just found you today; you have some cute projects!
