Monday, April 22, 2013

Wow... It's been a long time. 
Does anyone even remember me? 

I decided to should update this in order to inform people, in case they were worried, as I have been about a couple of bloggers that fell off the face of the planet it seems. 

Unfortunately for me, mine was necessary. My then husband and I had decided to get a divorce. 
Sprung me into probably the worst year of my life. But I've grown into a much better, (at least I think) human being. And I'm happier than I was before, I definitely take time to stop and smell the flowers.
Without getting too much into it, getting a divorce was one of the hardest things I have ever done and it really changed my outlook on everything. Thankfully, Chuck and I remain friends, mainly for the mini's sake, and she is doing very well because of it. 

I had also lost 90 lbs. Finally back into a size 10, super happy with how I looked, even with no makeup and glasses on. I dated, had fun, found out what I liked and didn't like. How much I could stand, and what would drive me crazy. (Did I mention I went crazy for a few weeks too? Nervous breakdown. Oh that was fun.) 

Last year I began dating the love of my life, I've known him half my life, so it wasn't like we'd just met, and it was definitely unexpected, but you know those people whose eyes you avoid because everytime you look into them you think you might end up kissing them? (that could just be me that avoids looking at people who make me feel like that.) Well, one day I just looked, and kept looking, and apparently, he always had those urges too. We're getting married May 31st of next year. :) 

We recently had a cute little son too. Baby goat seems like a good nickname, he looks just like his daddy, who is nicknamed goat. The mini's really in love with him, she loves being a big sister. 

I'm in college right now too, only six more months to go! So, I might start this blog up again, I won't be able to post very frequently, but I figure, I loved it. So I might want to start again. 

Loves and hugs,

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