Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finished the jewelery holder plus one :)

Remember my first post and the jewelery holder?

I finally finished her, using my fab little printed out stencil (it's dead now I need to make a new one :( ) and some silver paint (that doesn't photograph well) I made her pretty!

(I also need to figure out how to not have the date on the bottom of my pics, I am too lazy to put the date in each time)

Here she is all done up!

And my latest project; the dishtab tin! You know those Electrosol Dish tabs? I got some awhile back in a nifty (kinda ugly) metal tin that had the jetsons on it. Not very me. So I spraypainted.

and then used my stencil and more silver paint... (this was the project that killed my stencil :( )

(I'll take a better pic later but I cleaned up the running bits coz I'm a perfectionist like that)

And I am linking to my VERY FIRST PARTY!!!

and it's

Till next post!

Robin ♥


  1. I like this design for a jewellery hanger, well done! Happy Transformation Thursday <3

  2. Clever! And so pretty now, too.
